Protect Your Oral and Dental Health

Oral and dental health is critical for the integrity of general health, as well as for the esthetic appearance and self-confidence of the person. Dental caries or gum disease can cause various health issues, particularly diabetes and respiratory disease, and promote disease progression. On the other hand, untreated cavities cause infections and have a negative effect on the digestive system.

Therefore, it is critical to maintaining oral and dental health. Supportive oral care with tooth brushing, flossing, or mouth rinsing should be performed at least twice daily. Regular dental check-ups every six months ensure the early detection and treatment of possible problems. With the care shown to oral and dental health, tooth and tooth support tissue losses, time, and budget waste are prevented.

Dentist Ayten Egeli

Please call or Whatsapp for an appointment : +90 532 633 47 78

Experienced, innovative, technological, reliable

Rinodent Istanbul Dental Clinic offers the highest patient comfort with its 3-story modern building, spacious treatment rooms, digital X-ray machine, and rest area.

Rinodent Istanbul Dental Clinic offers a service with two examination and treatment rooms of 25 square meters. The clinic rooms, with their windows that are open to the outdoors, special ventilation system, modern equipment, and full hygienic conditions, provide a highly reliable environment against Covid 19 and all other contamination risks.

Dt. Years of experience in oral and dental health are presented alongside the latest procedures in modern dentistry at Rinodent Istanbul Dental Clinic, managed by Ayten Egeli.

Rinodent Istanbul Dental Clinic offers dental implants, teeth whitening, all orthodontic treatments, dental crowns, bridges and all dentures, wisdom tooth and all embedded tooth extractions and surgeries, gum disease and necessary treatments, pediatric dentistry, endodontic, and all dental treatments and root canal treatments, esthetic and cosmetic dental treatments, digital x-rays and imaging procedures that include some of the endodontic treatments.

Rinodent İstanbul Dentist Ayten Egeli

Dentist Ayten Egeli

Diş Hekimi Ayten Egeli 1992’de Ankara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi’nden mezun oldu. 1992- 1995 yılları arasında Bitlis Devlet Hastanesi’nde; 1995-2001 arasında Van Devlet Hastanesi’nde diş hekimi olarak görev yaptı. 1999’da ABD’de Pittsburg University Dental School’da çalıştı. 2001-2002 arasında Siyami Ersek Hastanesi ve Kadıköy Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Merkezi’nde görev yaptı. Çalışma hayatı boyunca çeşitli illerde aynı zamanda özel muayenehane işletmiştir. Diş Hekimi Ayten Egeli 2000 yılından beri kendi kliniğinde hastalarını kabul etmektedir.

Rinodent İstanbul Radiology Dentist Ayten Egeli

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